Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Preparing for the journey

Thoughts of France, Italy and other Mediterranean destinations are enough to get us excited! Just thinking of all the photos John will take and all the paintings I can do, gets us started, not to mention the wine and the food!
We are planning wardrobes right now in anticipation of the journey that we will be taking in about six weeks. We will start by flying to Nice, France, to join our friend, Heather in a condo there for a week. Then the three of us will go to Florence for a week, Milan for a week, before she returns to Toronto. John and I will then spend three days in Venice before getting on a Crystal cruise, on which I will be teaching art classes. We will leave that ship and board another in Barcelona for further cruising in Spain and Portugal, before crossing the Atlantic to Fort Lauderdale, then home for a week before the next trip starts, to Hawaii. (another teaching cruise)
We invite our friends and family to follow this adventure through the blog, and hopefully we will be able to put up some pictures too. That way you can all be with us!