Thursday, January 5, 2012

Kauai and Hawaii – The Big Island

Sunrise approaching Kauai is one of those memories that will always last.  Breathtaking and other-worldly, it was almost too beautiful to comprehend.  It is so good that we had early morning tours to escort, or we might have missed it!
Sunrise over Kauai
We docked at the town of Nawiliwli and boarded buses to explore the island.  It was a hot sunny day as we took in the lush roadside sites of the “Garden Island”.  There were huge sugar and pineapple plantations here at one time, but these , industries have become unprofitable with the high cost of shipping, and now there is high unemployment.  Local people are given the opportunity to pick the fruits that grow wild, which, along with the moderate climate, helps them to survive.

The shoreline, with big waves and rough volcanic rocks, was impressive, especially when the waves hit a “spouting horn” that shoots the water up like a geyser.  Near the centre of the island there is a canyon of multicoloured rock formations which was described as a “baby Grand Canyon”.  It was well worth the drive to see it.  John went on a tour that went on a short river cruise and to a fern grotto.

On the Big Island (Hawaii)we went on a beautiful trip into the central part of the island, where the volcano still spews steam and sulfur into the air.  There was an adventurous walk through a lava tube, which is like a big cave that was formed when the lava poured through, leaving behind a hardened shell that is hollow inside.  The surrounding jungle was so lush and beautiful with the afternoon light filtering through!

Inside the lava tube

                                                        Wild orchid growing from a Palm tree

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