Thursday, June 14, 2012

Sentimental Journey - Going back to Quebec

The beautiful chalet where we stayed at Fiddler Lake Resort
Gail's family has deep roots in the province of Quebec, though there are no longer any relatives living there.  When sister, Marilyn, and her husband, Les came to visit recently, we decided to take a trip back to find our childhood home and the cottages of our grandparents in the Laurentians.  A beautiful chalet was booked at Fiddler Lake Resort, not far from where we spent our summers as children.
The fresh mountain air took us back to the summers we spent in the area and we were filled with fond memories of the creek that ran beside our grandparent's summer house that we always called "The Country".  Relying on Google maps and memory, we were able to find the house.  It has been much renovated, but I still recognized it.  There was a "For Rent" sign in front.

Creek Cottage as it appears now

The very gracious owner, Anne, happened to be there at her home next door. She invited us to have a look inside.
It has been beautifully updated, and remains the comfortable, welcoming place that it always was.  Anne rents it out to people, fully outfitted, for vacation stays.  How cool!


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