Saturday, December 29, 2012

Melbourne and Back to New Zealand

After leaving Sydney, the Celebrity Solstice took us for a one day stop in Melbourne, a place we will be returning to on January 5 to start our last cruise on the Symphony.  While in Melbourne, John took a tour of the area which included a ride on the “Puffing Billy”, a narrow gauge train that is, for all the world, a replica of “Thomas the Train”, which takes trips through the hills above Melbourne.  There is, in fact, a Thomas the Train replica used on weekends for children’s trips.
Melbourne Skyline

Puffing Billy crossing a trestle bridge

We left Melbourne, and after two days at sea, arrived to cruise through three beautiful New Zealand fjords, or “Sounds” as they are known here.  The first, and most famous, is Milford Sound.  While an absolutely spectacular place, it is always wet here.  There is an annual rainfall of 7.5 metres (7,500,000 mm) ... that means that it is pretty much always raining.  If there is a day of sunshine, that constitutes a miracle and the date is recorded for posterity. The ethereal atmosphere, with hanging clouds and looming mountains, is a playground for artists and photographers, thus we were thrilled to spend the day in awe of this presentation of raw nature.
Entering Milford Sound
Lady Bowen Falls

Leaving Milford Sound
We then headed to Doubtful Sound, so named because Captain James Cook was apprehensive about entering the sound as he feared that he would not be able to get back out because of the wind patterns.  He never entered the sound ... thus it was called “Doubtful”.
Entering Doubtful Sound
Gail at Doubtful Sound
Our last trip was through Dusky Sound, a rather attractive area full of volcanic islands.  This is the sound that was entered by Captain Cook, and is still used by sailing ships, to take respite from the strong winds of the Tasman Sea.
After leaving the sounds, we traveled overnight to Dunedin, New Zealand ... the Edinburgh of the Southern Hemisphere.
Dolphins at play in Dusky Sound
Inside Dusky Sound
Leaving Dusky Sound

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