Sunday, December 23, 2012

Merry Christmas from Sydney

We are sitting at the Sydney Opera House on Christmas Eve and it is 32 degrees C in the shade.  We are not complaining, as the sun is lovely.  This is a beautiful harbour, and we took some pictures last night from the ship.  Tomorrow we sail for Melbourne, after a day at sea.  This leg of our journey is very relaxing, as we are not teaching classes while on the Celebrity ship.
We are thinking of our family and friends back home, and hoping you are all having a peaceful and blessed Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas from a very cold Whitby on Lake Ontario!! Envious of your warmer climes down there!! Enjoy the non-teaching leg of your travels during the festive season. We have 12 hours to go before Christmas Eve. So far no White Christmas but the plus side is no shoveling and, therefore,no complaints. Keep the blogs a'comin' - love reading them!! Pete and Barb
