Friday, October 28, 2011

Pictures - everywhere you look at Saint Paul de Vence

The bus took us up higher and higher, through twists and turns, to the most marvellous ancient town at the top of a mountain.  Not only is it picturesque, but the place is filled with artists, craft shops, and all manner of fascinating things to look at.  Several artists have their studios in the tiny shops that peek out among the thick stone walls of the fortified town.  The views from the wall are like those you see in books, with villas of Provence and snow capped mountains in the distance.  We climbed, took pictures, explored tiny lanes, took pictures, admired the flowers, took pictures....I think you get the "picture"!
One of the few times we sat today

It really was a picture taking kind of day!  John filled his digital card before we were done. It's a good thing we are not developing film. When you visit France, this place is not to be missed.  Thanks to our personal guide, Heather, who has been here often, and who led us through the labyrinth of loveliness!

Back at the apartment, we had some of these irresistable cookies with a nice cup of tea.
It is so beautiful out, we might just wander down to the beach before supper.

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