Saturday, October 29, 2011

A Beach of a Day in Old Nice

It was a perfect day for a walk along the Promenade des Anglais, which goes beside the beach for five kilometres into Old Nice.  We walked it BOTH ways as well as wandering around Nice. There is a good reason why this area is known as Cote d’Azur.  The water is the most incredible colour!  There were lots of people out today; many were in the water and sunning themselves on the beach, though it is not sandy, but full of small stones.

Pour Graham & Everett:

Les “Flat Stanleys” ont visite la plage aujourd’hui.  Il faisait un beau jour avec beaucoup de soleil. Une plage est nommee Florida, qui est drole.  Nous sommes en France, pas aux Etats-Unis!  Dans la ville de Nice, il y a un marche avec beaucoup de legumes, de fruits, de fleurs et d’autres belles choses.  Les Stanleys aiment les mangues fraiches et les autres belles fruits.  Les Stanley ont passé une tres  bonne journee a Nice aujourd’hui!! J

The market in Old Nice was a highlight of the day.  There was such an array of all kinds of fresh produce and local items, like lavender.  Just beyond the market, the narrow streets were filled with all kinds of lovely goods, all expensive.  It seemed odd to see so much winter merchandise on such a warm, summery day.
John ogling the olives at the market

We walked all over the place, and finally came to a wonderful restaurant, facing the harbour, where Christine Onassis' yacht is docked.  We had a fantastic seafood lunch before walking the five Km back to the apartment.  I think we will have to treat some sunburn tonight, along with the sore feet.  Altogether, it was another fabulous day.  Yes, we are thinking of our friends and family back home, where it is getting colder.

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