Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Walking Around Florence

Florence – What a beautiful place!  We arrived here yesterday by train, after two transfers that took us to Bologna and Milan.  It was nice to see the countryside, but this was a really roundabout way to get here.  We were met by Christine, the charming woman who owns the apartment where we are staying for the week.  It is in one of the old buildings with shutters on the windows, but it has been modernized inside without losing any of the charm.  There are two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen and living/diningroom.  The view at the front is the Arno River.

View from the window

Flat Stanleys waiting for the train to Florence

Today we walked into the main part of Florence, where we saw the magnificent Duomo, a cathedral which was started on the site of a Roman palace.  The present building was constructed between the 5th and 7th centuries.  It is covered with a beautiful design of white and green marble, which is in the process of being cleaned.  It is amazing to see it before and after.   Heather was not content to just stand back and admire the buildings.  She had to climb the bell tower!

After admiring the Duomo, we wandered through the streets, some of which were filled with vendors of all kinds of neat stuff, most of it actually made here in Italy.  I bought a lovely large leather bag, and John bought a pair of running shoes to replace the ones he has walked through on this trip.  We are planning to visit the museums later in the week, and there will be some side trips from here too.
Once again, everywhere you look, there is another marvellous sight!

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