Friday, November 11, 2011

Into Switzerland and Around Milan

Window shopping has been fun, but upon hearing of a big factory outlet just over the border in Switzerland, with apparently great prices, the bus trip sounded appealing.  The journey up there was very beautiful, especially around the Lake Como area.  The shopping? Well, even at half price, those big name designers are out of our league.  We each found a couple of attractive shirts, though, and we had a really nice day.

                                 The FLat Stanleys visited yet another country - Switzerland
                                                                 Lake Como as seen from the bus

Today the weather was great once again, so off we went to further explore Milan.  One place I had researched, and had to find, was the Centro Della Lana.  This may not be listed in the top sights of Milan, but it was a real highlight, as this is a huge yarn store full of exquisite Italian wool at bargain prices.  YEAH!!!
From there we walked and walked until we were once again in the centre of the hustle and bustle.  Heather had researched places to eat (not yarn shops), and  one of the recommendations was a place called Peck’s.  This was more than a restaurant; it was more like a mini Harrod’s, with all kinds of fabulous foods, beautifully displayed.  The upstairs restaurant was delightful, and easily one of the best lunches we have had.  (great washrooms too).
                                                             Lovely lunch at Peck's

It was a great day to continue walking, so off we went in the direction of the castle which we had only glimpsed the day before, from the bus window.  It actually houses a number of museums, but we were happy to just look at the building and then go to the lovely park beyond.  There we found beautiful walking paths and lots of photo opportunities.  There was even an imposing arch that took us by surprise. According to the plaque, it was built at the behest of Napoleon to celebrate his triumphant victory.  Construction started in 1806 was only two-thirds completed when Napoleon was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo. The arch was not completed until 1826 when Franz I of Austria ordered it to be finished, with some alternations, because he wanted to dedicate the Arch to the European Peace reached in 1815.

Although today was Remembrance Day, and we did indeed remember, there was no evidence of anything special related to the day here in Italy.

The park was truly beautiful on this November day.

Milan is, like most large cities, full of contrasts.  The beautiful historic buildings are juxtaposed with a great deal of graffiti that seems to spread like an ugly virus throughout the city.  There are modern apartment buildings everywhere, such as the one in which we are staying, but right outside the bedroom window is a pottery that makes garden decorations.  The landlord told us that it has been there for over 200 years!  Everywhere you look, there are surprises.

Tomorrow we will be packing up to head to Venice, and Heather will be going to Paris.

1 comment:

  1. Great shots - great visits. You are certainly getting around a lot!! Keep having fun.
    Pete and Barb
