Sunday, November 27, 2011

Last days in Italy

Lucca - church started before the plague. Afterwards, there were not enough stone masons to complete it in marble, so bricks were used instead.

This was originally a Roman ampitheatre, but has been converted to modern condos!

Puccini's favourite coffee shop
Roman wall of a summer house garden.  The flowers are still blooming in late November!
The house and garden
The house

Barcelona is a fascinating city, with more different kinds of architecture than anywhere else. The buildings range from gothic churches to strange modern creations, with, of course, Gaudi masterpieces thrown in.  The buildings are really spectacular, each in their own way.  

Flat Stanleys at a Gaudi House
This Gaudi church might be finished by 2030.  It has been under construction through most of the twentieth century.
Detail view from the back

                                                    An apartment building
Looking down on Barcelona
We are now in a nice hotel in the shopping district of Barcelona, but it is Sunday, so the shops are closed.  There is, however, a Christmas market that is open, and very busy.  They have the most wonderful items for Christmas villages and nativity scenes!   There is also a traditional Catalonian character who represents the fact that we need to keep the land fertile to receive the blessings of the coming year.  I will leave it to your imagination as to how he fertilizes the earth (not animal manure).  Of course he will become a subtle additional to our Christmas village.  Other characters have been created in the same position, including Bart Simpson and the royals.  It is all great fun.
Can you imagine what you might find at the "Christmas" market?
Hams curing at the restaurant where we had a really nice dinner
We went on the Hop on Hop off bus this afternoon, and into the evening - beautiful!

Tomorrow we will be embarking on the Celebrity Solstice for further explorations in Spain and Portugal, before crossing the Atlantic to Fort Lauderdale, and then home. We miss all our loved ones and friends. Two more weeks till we see you again.
Serenity at Barcelona harbour

1 comment:

  1. Hi Gail and John,
    Thanks so much for your itinerary and such interesting comments and dialogue. Glad that you could visit Lucca - such a wonderful place.

    Keep ahving fun!

    Pete and Barb
