Thursday, November 17, 2011

More Venice

We have been told that this is the perfect time of year to visit Venice, as there are fewer crowds and the odour from the water is less evident.  If there are more people here in the summer, some of them must end up falling into the canals, as it has been quite crowded while we have been here.  This has not prevented us from exploring and enjoying all that there is to see.  We have also been blessed with perfect weather.

The buildings never cease to amaze, especially as they are so old, and have not changed much over the centuries, though some have apparently been slowly sinking, and there is evidence of that with some of the crumbling walls and crooked windows, all of it picturesque.  We went up the 300 foot Campanile   bell tower (okay, we admit there is an elevator, rather than climbing up Heather style).  The city looks spectacular from that height, and there are so many churches, each with bells.  We were aware of the bells, as at least three different ones could be heard from our hotel, and they all chimed at slightly different times, which was somewhat disturbing as they counted the hours through the night. 
             Flat Stanleys at the top of the tower, overlooking San Marco Square

Waterfront view from the tower

                                            John enjoying afternoon "tea"
                            Our little friends liked to join us wherever we went
Traveller's tip:  In case there is no wine glass available in the hotel, there is always an alternative.  Just be sure to pack a corkscrew.


  1. Wondering why there have been no e-mail updates, but now understand you're on the boat. The pictures are beautiful. It's clear you are both having a wonderful time. Keep the updates coming!

  2. And now I know where I got my penchant for drinking straight from the bottle. I come by it honestly!
