Monday, November 21, 2011

Slavic Splendors

We have been sailing through the Adriatic Sea for the past few days, with stops at Koper, Slovenia and Dubrovnik, Croatia.  These places share the Mediterranean climate with Italy, but there is a different flavour here.  We have continued to visit medieval towns and to enjoy the sights.  Yesterday John and I each went on different tours.  His was in 4X4 vehicles through back roads.  I was fortunate enough to be on a luxurious bus.  Both tours ended up having lunch at the same place.  They offered the local grappa with herbs, like slivovice ( a Slovak drink that John’s parents used to have sometimes)  It is a strong brandy type beverage that they serve with fresh figs as a welcome into the home.  My tour visited two homes, one was a local artist where they make their own, called Konavoska Stara Rakija ( I have no idea what this means, but it is supposed to be good for you.  John actually surprised me by being able to get along with many of the locals in conversation, as the language is not too different from the Slovak dialect he knows.
Flat Stanleys arrive in Dubrovnik

Outside the walls

Inside the walls

View from above

                  Birds in the square at lunch time.  Maybe Alfred Hichock had been here!

Here are some of John’s artistic photos:

                                 Mill where flour is ground in the traditional way

When he is not taking pictures, guess what John likes to do?  (This pub was in Koper)
There is much more to share, but Internet is slow here.  We are still able to get email, though, and love to hear from family at home, whom we miss, as the adventure continues.

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