Monday, October 24, 2011

Starting the Adventure

Sunday was a frantic day of packing and trying to complete all the lists of things that needed to be done in the house.  We almost did it all.  Thank goodness David and Maryrose will be able to go over to our house and check things out. 

Graham and Everett’s “Flat Stanleys” made sure they were packed so they can go on our adventures too.

After flying all night, we landed in Heathrow Airport in London, where we went for breakfast.  John was delighted to see that they served beer with breakfast!  Turns out it was actually more expensive to have coffee, which I enjoyed. 

The second flight, to Nice, was uneventful, and Heather met us at the airport.  So here we are in the cute apartment where she has been staying for the past month.  The view is lovely, and we are up for some exploring of this magnificent area.


  1. So here's my attempt at a comment. Glad dad got to have his breakfast beer. Much better than coffee.

  2. Beer with totally civilized. Of course, in France it could be wine, or brandy, or cognac...hummmm
