Wednesday, October 26, 2011

We woke up to wind and rain, which is apparently unusual for here, but it was a good day to just walk around the neighbourhood and pick up some groceries.  The two “supermarkets” nearby were very interesting, with a huge array of fresh produce, cheese and wine.  There was very little in the way of pop and chips, but lots of fresh fish!   A feature this week was 2010 Marquis de Bolland Bordeau wine for 3.95 Euros. The deal was that if you bought one, you got one free.    We wondered if it would be any good at that price.  Oh My!  It was some of the best we have ever tasted.  We enjoyed it along with a baguette from the patisserie downstairs. Needless to say, the rainy day was not wasted, though I believe we almost were.
Grocery shopping in France
October 26
Today was bright, warm and sunny – a perfect day for exploring, so off we went to Cannes, which is about an hour away by bus.  This is the heart of the French Riviera, where the famous film festival is held, and the very wealthy go to shop.  It was amusing to see women walking around in furs and boots when the weather was 28 degrees and sunny.  They were very fashionable, though.
We climbed up to the top of an old fortress that overlooks the town and we walked around by the water where the most magnificent yachts were harboured.  John really liked that!  Outside the Cannes Film festival there are lots of blocks with handprints of famous people, and there is a park with movie themed amusements for children.  The beach was pretty active too, and they were definitely NOT wearing fur coats there!
It was a fabulous day for taking pictures, and the Flat Stanleys were with us, so here are a few:
Guess who this Jedi is?????

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